Here you can find more information about the animal Discus Fish

Discus Fish

Discus Fish


About me: Hello, I am a discus fish. I come in a lot of colors and no matter in which version - I am definitely an eye-catcher in your aquarium. Colorful and big and I don't even look scary. The perfect combination to make your aquarium - provided it is big enough - a real eye-catcher! But to keep my coloration and to enjoy me as long as possible, you should make sure that there is a sufficient CO2 supply in your aquarium. This works best with a CO2 system.
Size: 2.76 inch - 5.91 inch
PH value: 5.50 - 7.00
Water hardness: 4.00 - 6.00º dGH
Temperature: 28.00 - 30.00 ºC
Schwimming position: Alle
Aquascaping ?: Roots
Feed: Dry/frozen and live food and also: Shrimps (Artemia)
Minimal tank capacity: 400 liters
Minimal edge length: 59.06 inch
Minimal edge height: 23.62 inch
Origin: Amazon region
Stream: Yes
Swarm or group behavior: Yes
Colorful: Yes
Fresh water: Yes
Salt water: No
Socialization possible: Yes

This are my friends

African Butterfly Cichlid
African Butterfly Cichlid
Anomalochromis thomasi
PH value:6,00 - 7,00
Temperature:21,00 - 30,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 15,00º dGH
African butterfly fish
African butterfly fish
Pantodon buchholzi
PH value:6,00 - 6,80
Temperature:25,00 - 30,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 10,00º dGH
Blue phantom catfish
Blue phantom catfish
Hemiancistrus spec.
PH value:6,00 - 7,50
Temperature:25,00 - 29,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 15,00º dGH
Bronze corydoras
Bronze corydoras
Corydoras aeneus
PH value:6,00 - 8,00
Temperature:24,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 20,00º dGH
Bushymouth Catfish
Bushymouth Catfish
Ancistrus dolichopterus
PH value:6,00 - 7,00
Temperature:26,00 - 29,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 20,00º dGH
Clown loach
Clown loach
Chromobotia macracanthus
PH value:6,00 - 7,50
Temperature:24,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 19,00º dGH
PH value:6,00 - 7,80
Temperature:22,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 19,00º dGH
PH value:7,00 - 9,00
Temperature:23,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 15,00º dGH
PH value:7,00 - 8,00
Temperature:22,00 - 28,00 ºC
Water hardness:5,00 - 30,00º dGH